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Things to Pack for West Virginia Cabin Trip[edit]

House lock up checklist[edit]

  • Vivint Panel - reboot it Day before
  • Router Internet - Reboot it Day before
  • Outdoor cameras - adjust or clean lense
  • Hot Water Tank - turn to Low
  • Water main - Off
  • FLUSH water Drains (master bath and Kitchen)
  • Ceiling fans off
  • Trash - take to dumpster
  • Lamp on timer - adjust times.
  • Timer light - upstairs turn on
  • Mail - neighbor, or hold.
  • Dash cam hookup
  • hide / secure all valuables at home


  • TEA bags
  • sugar
  • brown sugar - a little bit for dad
  • cheese
  • buns for dogs or burgers
  • ketchup
  • hot dogs -frozen
  • hamburgers - 2
  • chip clips
  • spaghetti
  • meatballs
  • onion
  • red sauce
  • sprinkle cheese
  • garlic powder
  • baked beans - can
  • FRUIT: apples, bananas
  • Vegetables -frozen?
  • Cereal
  • butter and/or margerine
  • salt
  • jelly? Peanut butter?
  • MEDICINE, ibuprofin, inhalers
  • Smores things, Marsh mellows etc.
  • Pretzels or chips
  • Granola bars or Nutri grain bars
  • Kitchen Supplies
    • Zip lock bags -extra
    • Trash bags
    • TP
    • Paper towels
  • Lunch food
    • pitas and or bread
    • lunchables?
    • ham and or turkey
  • DAD food
    • Gu or Cliff bars
    • Protein powder
    • Apple sliced, raisins, brown sugar, +butter - wrap in alum foil - cook over fire 10 mins, eat with granola.
    • Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls - refrigerated.

Misc Items[edit]

  • calamine lotion
  • eye drops Visine
  • AA and AAA extra batts for PC mouse
  • Jacket or windbreaker
  • Sunscreen
  • Swim suits,
  • Sunglasses
  • ball cap, sun hat
  • Pool toys, goggles
  • Hiking boots or old sneakers
  • back pack with essentials
  • Hiking poles
  • Ant traps
  • Bug and ant RAID
  • air freshener spray
  • wash cloths - a few
  • rag - to clean car windows
  • Night Light
  • Rubiks cube


  • Man purse - essential items
  • Scrub brush - for cleaning hiking boots, and bikes.
  • Multiple Cameras: old Digital Cam, GoPro.
  • GoPro and accessories + batteries
  • TRIPOD - for camera - large Tripod
  • Packing tape - clear
  • leg warmers, cold bike clothes
  • Fishing Rod 1, plus fishing gear (optional)
  • Skratch powder mix or Gatorade mix
  • 2 Water bottles
  • Shaker protein cup
  • Cycling food: CLIFF bars
  • Protein bars
  • Firestarter
  • GARMIN speedometer and Cable
  • Laptop + travel power chord.
  • PAPER plain white

Biking and Hiking stuff[edit]

  • Giant bike
  • bike cover
  • helmet, shoes - 2 pair
  • Floor pump
  • bike tools, rags, lube, extra Tubes, inflator
  • Halt spray
  • Garmin VIRB mount - take from Trek bike
  • SUN screen
  • OAKleys
  • - Rubber boots, in case for stream crossings.
  • Bike Jersey 2
  • Bike shorts 2
  • Bike socks
  • Red flashy light and charge cable
  • Fishing gear
  • AA and AAA batteries extra
  • Hiking boots -everyone
  • Trekking / hiking poles
  • Green backpack , pocket knife, zip lock bags, etc.
    • Fire starter
    • Candle
    • whistle
    • Multi Tool
  • Flashlight - white/ bright one
  1. Navigation: map, compass, altimeter, GPS device, personal locator beacon (PLB) etc
  2. FLASHLIGHT! (AA batts) or Headlamp: plus extra batteries - my White flashlight
  3. Sun protection: sunglasses, sun-protective clothes and sunscreen
  4. First aid: including foot care and insect repellent (as needed)
  5. Knife: plus a gear repair kit
  6. Fire: matches, lighter, tinder and/or stove
  7. Shelter: carried at all times (can be a light emergency plastic /bivy)
  8. Extra food: Beyond the minimum expectation
  9. Extra water: Beyond the minimum expectation
  10. Extra clothes: Beyond the minimum expectation
  11. BONUS: Bug spray
  12. Other: GPS garmin (large size )

Sight Seeing Options[edit]

Hiking and Sight seeing options. 

2024 - Bro Weekend Fall Trip

___ Cycle BW canyon trail -  roads first to Hendricks, then Parsons.  then bw canyon trail.   (car drop and car pickup )

___ Thursday Ride at 5pm  (bike shop ) 
___ Davis city trails - trails behind bridge, near BW river
____ water pipe - collect spring water 
____ Nature center on Rte 32 - visit there to get info.

___ Table Rock hike -  drive Canaan loop Rd.  Park -  hike to Table rock and back - 2 mils Rnd trip.  (take 2 pair of shoes ) 
___  Hellbender highway (Haul road ) Shop n Save gravel Rd - to Top of Canaan Heights. 
___ Seneca creek trail - out 2 miles and back  (drive to near Job, WV.)   Many water falls. 


2023 Fall Ideas: 


___ Davis city trails - trails behind bridge, near BW river

____ water pipe - collect spring water 

____ Nature center on Rte 32 - visit there to get info. 

___ Seneca creek trail - out 2 miles and back  (drive to near Job, WV.)   Many water falls. 

___  Freeland Road - Rocky Ridge Trail: 8-9 miles Out n Back. 

___ GET A PERMIT (to hike/ park before Freeland Road.)   At Nature center - near Canaan Valley BBQ Rte. 32. 

___  Gravel / Mtn bike loop:  Job - Still Hollow Spirits (30 mins from Davis) - park there - then ride south to Gandy/ Grusk loop.  Or out n back on Dry Fork Rd (gravel.)
___ Clockwise loop: Gravel + Pavement:  Job start - south to Gandy - then can veer SE to Whitmer Rd (paved uphill - along a creek) - then Right on ____ 
     then Right on Dry Fork Rd (downhill North along creek.) 

___ From Travis at Mountain Rides LLC: 

Whitmer Road is paved from Harman to about 2 miles past Whitmer, where it turns to a Forest Road and is gravel until you get to Spruce Knob Lake.  
Dry Fork Road is mostly gravel until the last couple miles at the bottom.  Riding the loop clockwise is amazing.
There is a nice gravel road from Parsons to Elkins which follows the Shaver's Fork of the Cheat River...a rail trail is also in the area and 
runs from Parsons to Elkins.  The climb from Stuart Recreation Area near Elkins up to Bickle Knob and over to Alpena is good also. 

___  Parsons visit

___ Friday morning/ afternoon -  Spruce Knob  highest point + hike. 

___ NROCKS Outdoor adventures -  south of Seneca Rocks - near Spruce Knob base. 

___ FOOD: 
Trail Labs  - happy hour  
Hellbender Burritos 
BBQ - Canaan BBQ near Deerfield village 
Thomas - mexican /taco place.  
Purple Fiddle at Thomas

Lodge at Canaan Resort 
Parsons:   The Grand Slam Grill +13044784444 

1.  Black Water falls -  easy, short walk to falls. 

2.  Lindy Point.  Hike total is 1 mile.  Nice Overlook. 

3.  Douglas falls - drive back to 1 lane bridge.  Park, walk to Douglas falls.  (Also Albert falls on the way.)

4.   Dolly Sods trail head  (via Freeland Rd just south of Timberline Rd.)  - do in morning 9am ish.   
  Park at Trail head.  Hike .3 miles to Blackbird Knob trail head.   Hike Blackbird knob trail, turn left onto Rocky Ridge trail. 
  Hike Rocky Ridge trail along Ridge to look down on Canaan valley (to Valley View trail head). 
  Turn around hike back. 

5.  Pase Point hike:   start at Discover center (nature center) at BW Falls.  Start by lake. 
  Hike Dobbins House Trail  (or Pendelton trace trail to Dobbin House trail.)  Follow Dobbin House trail, hug to the left near Canyon rim.
  At .9 mile marker, veer left onto Pase Point Trail  (Dobbin house trail will veer right.)  Hike to Pase Point overlook.  Turn back. 
  Total round trip is 3 miles. 

6. Canaan Valley Resort - Lodge - many hiking trails near Lodge. (West side of Rte 32.) See map. 

7.  Olsen Fire tower - start in Thomas.  Drive to Tower, or gravel Bike Thomas to Tower. 

8.   Laneville Road - Dolly sods. Bear Rocks.  Drive up the BIG hill to Dolly Sods (slowly , gravel road). 
Then drive about 8 to 9 miles out to Bear Rocks. 
OR  - take a small hike from the top of Dolly Sods ridge. 

9.   Canaan loop road  - close to cabin.  Drive back 2 or 3 miles, then Hike.  Need to lookup hiking trails. 
   What is back there?  I have seen many cars parked for hiking.  
10.  Canaan Ski resort - chair lift ride.   

11.  Timberline Hike - Beall Lane (or Coffmans lane) to dead end.  Little Canaan Wildlife Refuge. 

12.  Seneca Rocks  (40 min drive )   

13.  Seneca Caverns. 

14.   Spruce Knob  - 1 hour + 15 min drive.  

15.  Table Rock - from table rock trail head - access via Canaan Loop Rd - from 32.   must drive about 7 to 8 miles to trail head.  

OTHER HIKING and BIKING - Advanced: 
OPTIONS:   Rent bikes ?     use BW Bike shop shuttle for pickup or drop off. 
  E bike rental. 

- Classic road/ gravel loop - 38 - 40 miles - (Rte 32, Beck hollow, Rte 72. River Rd > Hendrix > Uphill BW Canyon trail > Thomas > Davis -  get shuttle back
     or climb Rte 32 back to cabin  ) 

- Canaan Resort - Promise Land trail - Mtn biking (fun - beginner) 

- Olson Fire tower to Hendricks  (Extreme downhill Mtn biking) see video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XKrKBllkrc 

- Grocery store- back gravel Road - loop to Canaan Heights (Explore) - need wider tires. 

- Canaan loop - start at Rte 32, out and back on gravel bikes (tire width 28 to 32 min.) 

-  Canaan Loop. Start at 32, Canaan loop West, left downhill to Hendrix. Come back on BW Canyon trail, finish in Thomas.  Prob need MTN bikes/ fatter tires. 
      Ideal to get shuttle/pickup at Thomas or BW bike shop to avoid Rte 32 hill.   Time would be 2 to 3 hours 

- Gravel biking:  Cheat River (has a River crossing )  OGG 40 route - see map. 

___  Timberline hike - just south of Cortland -  Small hike in a field/ trees.    About 1 or 1.5 mile hike. Close to cabin. 

___  Cheat River road  -  drive about 25 mins to get there.  Scenic river.   Might be too cold to fish, but fishing is an option.   I have been here on bike, but you guys have never been there.  

___  Davis hike - behind the grocery store - drive back gravel road about 4 miles.  Hiking trails back there UP a hill.  (not real exciting but different.) 

___  Fire tower ?   (repeat of what we already did ) 

___  Seneca rocks -  or drive to near there.   look for hiking trails we never did. 

___ Horseback riding? 

___ Lindy Pointe - BW Falls - south side 
___ BW Falls State Park - main falls
___ Pendelton overlook  - BW falls park 
___ Elekala falls hike - BW Falls - near lodge 

Questions for INFORMATION center: 
- Canaan chair lifts open? 
- Canaan Loop - hiking options from Loop Road?   
- North East of Davis town - any sight seeing up that way? 
- Anything to see near Parsons (past fire tower , Rte 219 )