Web Dev Reference
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Misc Resources[edit]
Full Stack Web Developer Roadmaps[edit]
- Roadmap for Front End Developer: Web Developer Roadmap 2019 by Kamran Ahmed
- Roadmap main web site: Roadmaps sh site by Kamran Ahmed
Quick Reference Lookup[edit]
- HTML_and_CSS_Reference - my quick reference doc
- MDN - Mozilla Developer Network - for HTML, CSS, Javascript
- CSS Color Picker Neel Orange Peel: https://colours.neilorangepeel.com/
- W3Schools HowTo HTML and CSS Tutorials - these are useful: W3Schools HowTo
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1376756/what-is-a-superfast-way-to-read-large-files-line-by-line-in-vba
- Method A. Open and read a file where records have LF but not CRLF such as a pipe delimited file
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\FSO\ServerList.txt", 1) Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream strLine = objFile.ReadLine MsgBox strLine Loop objFile.Close
Survey Results and Industry Index[edit]
- Tiobe index: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
- Stack Overflow survey results: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021
- Microsoft Ignite 2019 video: https://youtu.be/jnUiJi4hts4
- Visual Studio online
- Visual Studio Live (code pairing?)
- Visual Studio -
- Order you should take Bharaths Web Courses (2020)- By Bharath Thippireddy: Youtube Video by Bharath
- Adam Bien - with Java EE 7 you're Design Patterns are Dead: Link to TheServerSide article.
- Java EE evolves: https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Java-EE-makes-best-of-breed-software-conglomerations-a-thing-of-the-past
- 2023: Java Full Course: 2020 version - Bro Code on Youtube
- Apache Kafka Explained - Finematics: https://youtu.be/JalUUBKdcA0
- Apache Kafka in 6 minutes - James Cutajar (sports basketball analogy) https://youtu.be/Ch5VhJzaoaI
Front End[edit]
- Web Dev in 2020: Good video by Traversy Media: https://youtu.be/0pThnRneDjw
- Angular:
- Angular Roadmap 2022 – high level Intro: https://youtu.be/XQiWT3gPpPk
- Good 2017 Tutorial 2 hours on Angular Typescript: By Programming with Mosh: https://youtu.be/k5E2AVpwsko
- Angular Tour of Heroes – official tutorial by Google (free). Uses ver 9.1 https://angular.io/
- Angular 8 crash course that I found and looks valid: https://youtu.be/_TLhUCjY9iA
- Angular 8 tutorial – created in 2017, but updated for version 8. https://youtu.be/0eWrpsCLMJQ
- Angular Typescript vers 4 (2 hour course) by Mosh (I like this one for typescript fundamentals.) https://youtu.be/k5E2AVpwsko
- Free Code Camp: How to Install Angular, Node and build tools on Windows: Link
- Differences between Angular 7 vs 8 vs 9 can be found here: wikipedia link
- Motion Animation by David Probst: https://www.davidprobstjr.com/
- David Probst on Lottie Files - cool stuff: https://lottiefiles.com/davidprobstjr
- Udemy and YouTube: Suggested Instructors:
- Colt is good, but in my opinion, he's NOT exceptional, relative to other teachers on Udemy. INSTEAD, I'd suggest trying these instructors on UDEMY:
- 1. ANGELA YU (Webstack, Flutter, Multiple Frameworks)
- 2. MAXIMILLIAN SCHWARZMULLER (Multiple Languages & Frameworks)
- 3. BRAD TRAVERSY (Multiple Languages)
- 4. SHAUN PELLING (Vue JS & Javascript, Multiple Frameworks)
- 5. BRAD SCHIFF (JavaScript & Wordpress)
- 6. STEPHEN GRIDER (Multiple Languages
- 7. DANNY BOEHM (for C#)
- 8. ANDREI NEAGOIE (JavaScript & Python)
- 9. MOSH HAMEDANI (C#, Python, Javascript).
- 10. JONAS SCHMEDTMANN (Front-End Design)
- 11. 2023: Bro Code: https://www.youtube.com/@BroCodez/videos
- Web Dev Tools
- Unsplash.com - https://unsplash.com - free photo images site
- Pixabay.com - https://pixabay.com - free photo images site
- Video talking about Free Photo websites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3NSu-wWIqw
Backend Languages[edit]
- Python Tutorial - December 2019 (11 hours) by Clever Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F2m91eKmts
Tools for Web Dev and or Sharing Community[edit]
- OBS - Open Broadcasting Software (Video recording software for screen sharing.)
- Jessie from Freecode Camp uses this software. Recommends it.
- DaVinci Resolve - video editing software 1.3 gig download
- Install Wordpress SECURELY:
- Alan Cheng https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P0ePyYyCM8
Kids - coding for kids[edit]
- Arduino: Stepper motor via Remote: https://www.brainy-bits.com/control-stepper-motor-with-arduino/
- Arduino: Brainy Bits: Control Stepper motor with Joystick (original): https://www.brainy-bits.com/stepper-motor-easy-driver/
- Arduino: Brainy Bits: Control Stepper motor with Joystick, and stopper: https://www.brainy-bits.com/stepper-motor-with-joystick-and-limit-switches/
- Scratch Coding Ideas - Zombie shoot game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXru0rSV2ZQ
- Scratch Labs: https://scratch.mit.edu
- Code.org: https://code.org
Online Tutorial Sites[edit]
- Udemy: https://udemy.com
- Colt Steele
- Bharath Thippireddy
- W3Schools: (Javascript, Bootstrap 4, Java, Python, Node.JS, SQL )
- FreeCodeCamp: [http://www.freecodecamp.org Freecodecamp.org
- Plural Sight: https://pluralsight.com
- Linked IN Learning free: https://linkedin.com/learning-login/go/oh0057
- Coursera: https://coursera.org
- Skillsoft: Registration and authorization required. Ask your TEKsystems manager to register you for this using their private registration link. After you are registered, you can sign in using the provided username and password using link: https://allegisgroup.skillport.com/skillportfe/custom/login/allegis/login.action
- Hacker Rank:
- Codingbat.com Codingbat suggest by Imtiaz
- Leet Code:
- AlgoExpert:
- Lynda LinkedIN Learning via Columbus Metro Library: https://www.lynda.com/portal/sip?org=columbuslibrary.org
- 20 Developer Youtube Channels to Follow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZRLKDlSaAI
- Javascript tutorial part 1 by The Net Ninja: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWOYAxlnaww
- Industry Benchmarks:
- Tiobe Index: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index//